Effective Whitespace Parsing
Note that this page describes conventions for whitespace handling, but these
are handled directly by the parsley.token.Lexer
and its subfunctionality, which is expored at the end of the next page.
Previously, in Basics of Combinators and Building Expression Parsers, we've seen parsers for languages that do not account for whitespace. In this page I'll discuss the best practices for handling whitespace in your grammars.
1 Defining whitespace readers
The first step in the correct handling of whitespace is to build the small parsers that
recognise the grammar itself. The two concerns usually are spaces and comments. For
comments, the combinator combinator.manyTill
is very useful. For example:
import parsley.Parsley, Parsley.{atomic, many}
import parsley.character.{whitespace, string, item, endOfLine}
import parsley.combinator.manyTill
import parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods //for hide
def symbol(str: String): Parsley[String] = atomic(string(str))
val lineComment = symbol("//") ~> manyTill(item, endOfLine).void
val multiComment = symbol("/*") ~> manyTill(item, symbol("*/")).void
val comment = lineComment | multiComment
val skipWhitespace = many(whitespace.void | comment).void.hide
Here, the manyTill
combinator is used to read up until the end of the comment. You may
notice the hide
method having been called on skipWhitespace
. This handy operation
hides the "expected" error message from a given parser. In other words, when we have a
parse error, it isn't particularly useful to see in the suggestions of what would have
worked that we could type some whitespace! Producing informative and tidy error messages,
however, is a more general topic for another post. Now that we have the skipWhitespace
parser we can start using it!
2 Lexemes
Lexemes are indivisible chunks of the input, the sort usually produced by a lexer in a
classical setup. The symbol
combinator I defined above forms part of this: it uses atomic
to make an indivisible string, either you read the entire thing or none of it. The next piece
of the puzzle is a combinator called lexeme
, which should perform a parser and then always
read spaces after it:
def lexeme[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = p <~ skipWhitespace
def token[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = lexeme(atomic(p))
implicit def implicitSymbol(s: String): Parsley[String] = lexeme(symbol(s))
The token
combinator is a more general form of symbol
, that works for all parsers, handling
them atomically and consuming whitespace after. Note that it's important to consume the whitespace
outside the scope of the atomic
, otherwise malformed whitespace might cause backtracking for an
otherwise legal token!
With the implicitSymbol
combinator, we can now treat all string literals as lexemes. This
can be very useful, but ideally this could be improved by also recognising whether or not the
provided string is a keyword, and if so, ensuring that it is not followed by another
alphabetical character. This is out of scope for this post, however.
Now let's take the example from Building Expression Parsers and see what needs to change to finish up recognising whitespace.
import parsley.character.digit
import parsley.expr.{precedence, Ops, InfixL}
val number = token(digit.foldLeft1[BigInt](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit))
// number: Parsley[BigInt] = parsley.Parsley@21dce1bd
lazy val atom: Parsley[BigInt] = "(" ~> expr <~ ")" | number
lazy val expr = precedence[BigInt](atom)(
Ops(InfixL)("*" as (_ * _)),
Ops(InfixL)("+" as (_ + _), "-" as (_ - _)))
Other than introducing our new infrastructure, I've changed the characters in the original
parser to strings: this is going to make them use our new implicitLexeme
combinator! Notice
how I've also marked the whole of number
as a token: we don't want to read whitespace
between the digits, but instead after the entire number has been read, and a number should be entirely
atomic. Now that we've done this we can try running it on some input and see what happens:
expr.parse("5 + \n6 /*hello!*/ * 7")
// res0: parsley.Result[String, BigInt] = Success(47)
expr.parse(" 5 * (\n2 + 3)")
// res1: parsley.Result[String, BigInt] = Failure((line 1, column 1):
// unexpected space
// expected "(" or digit
// > 5 * (
// ^
// >2 + 3))
Ah, we've forgotten one last bit! The way we've set it up so far is that every lexeme reads
whitespace after the token. This is nice and consistent and reduces any unnecessary extra
work reading whitespace before and after a token (which inevitably means whitespace will be
unnecessarily checked in between tokens twice). But this means we have to be careful to
read whitespace once at the very beginning of the parser. Using skipWhitespace ~> expr
our parser we run is the final step we need to make it all work. If we use expr
in another
parser, however, we don't want to read the whitespace at the beginning in that case. It should
only be at the very start of the parser (so when parse
is called).
3 A Problem with Scope
The eagle-eyed reader might have spotted that there is a distinction between the string literals we
are using in the main parser and the symbol
s we are using in the definitions of whitespace. Indeed,
because we are using an implicit that consumes whitespace, it would be inappropriate
to use it in the definition of whitespace! If we were to pull in the stringLift
implicit as we're
used to, then Scala will report and ambiguous implicit and we'll be stuck. It's a much better idea
to limit the scope of these implicits, so we can be clear about which we mean where. To illustrate
what I mean, let's restructure the code a little for the parser and ensure we don't run into any issues.
import parsley.Parsley, Parsley.{atomic, eof, many}
import parsley.character.{digit, whitespace, string, item, endOfLine}
import parsley.combinator.manyTill
import parsley.expr.{precedence, Ops, InfixL}
import parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods //for hide
object lexer {
private def symbol(str: String): Parsley[String] = atomic(string(str))
private val lineComment = symbol("//") ~> manyTill(item, endOfLine).void
private val multiComment = symbol("/*") ~> manyTill(item, symbol("*/")).void
private val comment = lineComment | multiComment
private val skipWhitespace = many(whitespace.void | comment).void.hide
private def lexeme[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = p <~ skipWhitespace
private def token[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = lexeme(atomic(p))
def fully[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = skipWhitespace ~> p <~ eof
val number = token(digit.foldLeft1[BigInt](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit))
object implicits {
implicit def implicitSymbol(s: String): Parsley[String] =
lexeme(symbol(s)) // or `token(string(s))
object expressions {
import lexer.implicits.implicitSymbol
import lexer.{number, fully}
private lazy val atom: Parsley[BigInt] = "(" ~> expr <~ ")" | number
private lazy val expr = precedence[BigInt](atom)(
Ops(InfixL)("*" as (_ * _)),
Ops(InfixL)("+" as (_ + _), "-" as (_ - _)))
val parser = fully(expr)
In the above refactoring, I've introduced three distinct scopes: the lexer
, the lexer.implicits
and the expressions
. Within lexer
, I've marked the internal parts as private
, in particular
the implicitSymbol
combinator that I've introduced to allow the lexer to use string literals in
the description of the tokens. By marking implicitSymbol
as private
, we ensure that it cannot be
accidentally used within expressions
, where the main part of the parser is defined. In contrast,
the implicits
object nested within lexer
provides the ability for the expressions
object to
hook into our whitespace sensitive string literal parsing (using implicitToken
), and, but
enclosing it within the object, we prevent it being accidentally used inside the rest of the lexer
(without an explicit import, which we know would be bad!). This is a good general structure to adopt,
as it keeps the lexing code cleanly separated from the parser. If, for instance, you wanted to test
these internals, then you could leave them public, but I would advise adding a private to its
internal implicits at all times (however, ScalaTest does have the ability to test private