Parsley (parsley.Parsley)

All parsers have type Parsley, which has many methods (combinators) for composing parsers together. The companion object also contains some primitive combinators and parsers.

The Scaladoc for this page can be found at parsley.Parsley (class) and parsley.Parsley (object).

Class Parsley

The Parsley class is the value class responsible for representing parsers. It has methods largely grouped into the following categories:

Running Parsers

The parse method runs a parser with some given input. The type signature has an additional Err parameter, with an implicit requirement for ErrorBuilder[Err]. This is discussed in parsley.errors.ErrorBuilder, but for the purposes of basic use, you can assume that Scala will automatically infer this type to be String, for which an ErrorBuilder[String] does implicitly exist.

By importing, another parseFromFile method is added to Parsley, which works similarly, but loads the input from a file first. In future versions of parsley, this import will no longer be needed, and this will be an overloading of parse.

Altering Results

The results of an individual parser can be altered using map or combinators derived from it, such as as or void. Note that the #> combinator is a symbolic alias for as, though as is now recommended.

Note that, whilst as can be implemented using map, it is actually implemented with ~> and pure, which allows it to be better optimised: if a result is not needed, parsley will ensure it is not even generated to begin with.

The span combinator is special: it allows for the result of a parser to be discarded and instead the input consumed in the process of parsing is returned instead. This can be used to avoid constructing strings again after parsing.

Composing Parsers

Some combinators allow for multiple parsers to be composed together to form a new one. This comes in two forms: sequencing them one after another and combining their results in some way, or combining them in parallel as two independent choices.


The zip combinator is the most permissive way of combining two parsers together whilst retaining both of their results; p zip q will parse p, then q and then return a pair of their results. The symbolic version of zip is called <~>. When both results are not needed, ~> and <~ point towards a result to keep, and discard the other.

Combinators like <*>, <**> and <::> perform a similar role to zip, but combine the two results depending on the specific subtypes of the arguments. Both <*> and <**> perform function application, and <::> adds the result of the first parser onto a list returned by the second. These are all more specific versions of the parsley.lift._ combinators, but are often useful in practice.

The flatMap combinator is another way of sequencing two parsers, but where the second depends on the result of the first. In parsley, this operation is very expensive, and it (and its derived flatten combinator) should be avoided. One way of avoiding the flatMap combinator is to use features found in parsley.state, or to use lift combinators instead.


When one of two parsers can be used at a specific point, the | combinator (also known as orElse or <|>) can be used to try one and then the other if the first failed. The result of the successful branch, if any, will be returned.

A parser p | q will only try q if the parser p failed having not consumed any input. If it does consume input, then the overall parser will fail. The atomic combinator can be used to prevent input consumption on failure, however.

When atomic is used in this manner, it may cause error messages to be less effective, or increase the runtime or complexity of the parser. Backtracking in this way should be avoided if at all possible by factoring the grammar or employing techniques like Disambiguator Bridges.

Filtering Results

When the results of the parser need to be verified or conditionally transformed, filtering combinators can be used. Largely, they will try and apply a function to the result of a parser: if the function returns false or is otherwise not defined, then the parser will fail, and otherwise, it may perform some transformation:

Largely, these combinators are more useful in their more advanced formulations, those in parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods, which produce detailed error messages about filtering failures.


There are a collection of methods that repeatedly perform a parser, and collapse the generated results into a single value - like regular folds. There are three classes of reductive combinators:

Special Methods

The underlying implementation of parsley is more akin to a compiler than a regular parser combinator library. Some methods exist to help direct the internal compiler:

Object Parsley

The Parsley object contains a collection of primitive combinators that help control a parser or its results. By far the most important ones are pure and atomic:

In addition to these, it also has empty and empty(Int), which fail the parser immediately (but recoverably) and produces a given width of caret (and 0 in the case of empty); lookAhead and notFollowedBy for dealing with positive and negative lookahead; and fresh, which can be used like pure but evaluates its argument every time, which is useful in the presence of mutable values.

Iterative Combinators

One of the main classes of combinator are the iterative combinators, which execute parsers multiple times until they cannot match any more; the results of these combinators vary. If the parser being repeated fails having consumed input, iterative combinators will fail; if no input was consumed on failure, the iteration will stop.

The most commonly used of these are the many and some combinators, which return a list of the successful results:

import parsley.character.digit
import parsley.Parsley.{many, some}

// res0: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Success(List())
// res1: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Success(List((1,2), (3,4)))
// res2: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Failure((line 1, column 6):
//   unexpected end of input
//   expected digit
//   >12345
//         ^)

// res3: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Failure((line 1, column 1):
//   unexpected end of input
//   expected digit
//   >
//    ^)
// res4: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Success(List((1,2), (3,4)))
// res5: parsley.Result[String, List[(Char, Char)]] = Failure((line 1, column 6):
//   unexpected end of input
//   expected digit
//   >12345
//         ^)