{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators #-} {-| Module : Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Patterns Description : Template Haskell generators to help with patterns License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : Jamie Willis, Gigaparsec Maintainers Stability : experimental This module is currently experimental, and may have bugs depending on the version of Haskell, or the extensions enabled. Please report any issues to the maintainers. @since -} module Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Patterns (overloadedStrings) where import Text.Gigaparsec (Parsec) import Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Lexer (lexeme, sym) import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Q, Dec, Exp) {-| When given a quoted reference to a 'Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Lexer.Lexer', for example @[|lexer|]@, this function will synthesise an `IsString` instance that will allow string literals to serve as @Parsec ()@. These literals will parse symbols in the language associated with the lexer, followed by consuming valid whitespace. @since -} overloadedStrings :: Q Exp -- ^ the quoted 'Text.Gigaparsec.Token.Lexer.Lexer' -> Q [Dec] -- ^ a synthesised `IsString` instance. overloadedStrings :: Q Exp -> Q [Dec] overloadedStrings Q Exp qlexer = [d| instance u ~ () => IsString (Parsec u) where fromString = sym (lexeme $Q Exp qlexer) -- TODO: one day, $qlexer.lexeme.sym |]