{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-| Module : Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator.NonEmpty Description : This module contains variants of combinators that return non-empty lists of results, modifying the result type to 'NonEmpty'. License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : Jamie Willis, Gigaparsec Maintainers Stability : stable This module contains variants of combinators that return non-empty lists of results, modifying the result type to 'NonEmpty'. These allow for stronger guarantees of parsed results to be baked into their types. @since -} module Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator.NonEmpty (some, someTill, sepBy1, sepEndBy1, endBy1) where import Text.Gigaparsec (Parsec, notFollowedBy) import Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator qualified as Combinator (manyTill, sepEndBy1) import Control.Applicative (liftA2, many) import Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), fromList) infixl 4 <:|> (<:|>) :: Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) <:|> :: forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) (<:|>) = (a -> [a] -> NonEmpty a) -> Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Parsec a -> Parsec b -> Parsec c forall (f :: * -> *) a b c. Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c liftA2 a -> [a] -> NonEmpty a forall a. a -> [a] -> NonEmpty a (:|) {- infixl 4 <<|> (<<|>) :: Parsec a -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) (<<|>) = liftA2 (<|) -} {-| This combinator repeatedly parses a given parser __one__ or more times, collecting the results into a non-empty list. Parses a given parser, @p@, repeatedly until it fails. If @p@ failed having consumed input, this combinator fails. Otherwise, when @p@ fails __without consuming input__, this combinator will return all of the results, @x₁@ through @xₙ@ (with @n ≥ 1@), in a non-empty list: @x₁ :| [x₂, .., xₙ]@. Requires at least one @p@ to have been parsed. @since -} some :: Parsec a -- ^ the parser @p@ to execute multiple times -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -- ^ a parser that parses @p@ until it fails, returning a non-empty list of the successful results. some :: forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) some Parsec a p = Parsec a p Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) <:|> Parsec a -> Parsec [a] forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a] many Parsec a p {-| This combinator repeatedly parses a given parser __one__ or more times, until the @end@ parser succeeds, collecting the results into a non-empty list. First ensures that trying to parse @end@ fails, then tries to parse @p@. If it succeeds then it will repeatedly: try to parse @end@, if it fails __without consuming input__, then parses @p@, which must succeed. When @end@ does succeed, this combinator will return all of the results generated by @p@, @x₁@ through @xₙ@ (with @n ≥ 1@), in a non-empty list: @x₁ :| [x₂, .., xₙ]@. The parser @p@ must succeed at least once before @end@ succeeds. @since -} someTill :: Parsec a -- ^ @p@, the parser to execute multiple times, at least once. -> Parsec end -- ^ @end@, the parser that stops the parsing of @p@. -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -- ^ a parser that parses @p@ until @end@ succeeds, returning the non-empty list of all the successful results. someTill :: forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) someTill Parsec a p Parsec end end = Parsec end -> Parsec () forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec () notFollowedBy Parsec end end Parsec () -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a b. Parsec a -> Parsec b -> Parsec b forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b *> (Parsec a p Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) <:|> Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec [a] forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec [a] Combinator.manyTill Parsec a p Parsec end end) {-| This combinator parses __one__ or more occurrences of @p@, separated by @sep@. First parses a @p@. Then parses @sep@ followed by @p@ until there are no more @sep@s. The results of the @p@'s, @x₁@ through @xₙ@, are returned as @x₁ :| [x₂, .., xₙ]@. If @p@ or @sep@ fails having consumed input, the whole parser fails. Requires at least one @p@ to have been parsed. @since -} sepBy1 :: Parsec a -- ^ @p@, the parser whose results are collected into a non-empty list. -> Parsec sep -- ^ @sep@, the delimiter that must be parsed between every @p@. -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -- ^ a parser that parses @p@ delimited by @sep@, returning the non-empty list of @p@'s results. sepBy1 :: forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) sepBy1 Parsec a p Parsec sep sep = Parsec a p Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) <:|> Parsec a -> Parsec [a] forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec [a] forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a] many (Parsec sep sep Parsec sep -> Parsec a -> Parsec a forall a b. Parsec a -> Parsec b -> Parsec b forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b *> Parsec a p) {-| This combinator parses __one__ or more occurrences of @p@, separated and ended by @sep@. Parses @p@ followed by @sep@ one or more times. The results of the @p@'s, @x₁@ through @xₙ@, are returned as @x₁ :| [x₂, .., xₙ]@. If @p@ or @sep@ fails having consumed input, the whole parser fails. Requires at least one @p@ to have been parsed. @since -} endBy1 :: Parsec a -- ^ @p@, the parser whose results are collected into a non-empty list. -> Parsec sep -- ^ @sep@, the delimiter that must be parsed between every @p@. -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -- ^ a parser that parses @p@ delimited by @sep@, returning the non-empty list of @p@'s results. endBy1 :: forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) endBy1 Parsec a p Parsec sep sep = Parsec a -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall a. Parsec a -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) some (Parsec a p Parsec a -> Parsec sep -> Parsec a forall a b. Parsec a -> Parsec b -> Parsec a forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a <* Parsec sep sep) {-| This combinator parses __one__ or more occurrences of @p@, separated and optionally ended by @sep@, collecting the results in a non-empty list. First parses a @p@. Then parses @sep@ followed by @p@ until there are no more: if a final @sep@ exists, this is parsed. The results of the @p@'s, @x₁@ through @xₙ@, are returned as @x₁ :| [x₂, .., xₙ]@. If @p@ or @sep@ fails having consumed input, the whole parser fails. Requires at least one @p@ to have been parsed. @since -} sepEndBy1 :: Parsec a -- ^ @p@, the parser whose results are collected into a list. -> Parsec sep -- ^ @sep@, the delimiter that must be parsed between every @p@. -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) -- ^ a parser that parses @p@ delimited by @sep@, returning the non-empty list of @p@'s results. sepEndBy1 :: forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) sepEndBy1 Parsec a p Parsec sep sep = [a] -> NonEmpty a forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> NonEmpty a NonEmpty.fromList ([a] -> NonEmpty a) -> Parsec [a] -> Parsec (NonEmpty a) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b <$> Parsec a -> Parsec sep -> Parsec [a] forall a end. Parsec a -> Parsec end -> Parsec [a] Combinator.sepEndBy1 Parsec a p Parsec sep sep