
Parsley employs modern design developed over five years of research, supporting many parser combinator design patterns out of the box.


Parsley promises to not stack-overflow during the runtime of the parser, preventing vulnerabilities.

Great Errors

Parsley has good out-of-the-box error messages, with a lot of support for improving the content of error messages and their formatting.

Easily Debuggable

Parsley parsers are easy to debug thanks to special combinators and debuggers.


Supports Scala 2.12, 2.13, and 3.0; as well as support for Scala Native and Scala-JS.

Cats Friendly

Intregration available for Typelevel's Cats Ecosystem, providing instances for relevant typeclasses.

Getting Started

Parsley can be added to your project by one of the following configuration commands.

// SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.github.j-mie6" %% "parsley" % "4.6.0"

// scala-cli
--dependency com.github.j-mie6::parsley:4.6.0
// or in file
//> using dep com.github.j-mie6::parsley:4.6.0

// mill

Alternatively, the most up-to-date development pre-release is 5.0.0-M14 and the most bleeding-edge snapshot is 5.0-2c722a6-SNAPSHOT.


Parsley can leverage string and character literals in Scala by implicit conversions, keeping the description of the parser uncluttered:

import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.syntax.character.{charLift, stringLift}

val hello: Parsley[Unit] = ('h' ~> ("ello" | "i") ~> " world!").void
// hello: Parsley[Unit] = parsley.Parsley@4c797ef5
hello.parse("hello world!")
// res0: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Success(())
hello.parse("hi world!")
// res1: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Success(())
hello.parse("hey world!")
// res2: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Failure((line 1, column 2):
//   unexpected "ey"
//   expected "ello"
//   >hey world!
//     ^^)

Combinators exist to collapse results efficiently for iterative parsers, allowing for concise definitions of simple numbers:

import parsley.character.digit
val natural: Parsley[Int] = digit.foldLeft1(0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit)
// natural: Parsley[Int] = parsley.Parsley@6b00a8e4
// res3: parsley.Result[String, Int] = Success(0)
// res4: parsley.Result[String, Int] = Success(123)