Getting Started
Parsley can be added to your project by one of the following configuration commands.
// SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.github.j-mie6" %% "parsley" % "4.6.0"
// scala-cli
--dependency com.github.j-mie6::parsley:4.6.0
// or in file
//> using dep com.github.j-mie6::parsley:4.6.0
// mill
Alternatively, the most up-to-date development pre-release is 5.0.0-M14
and the
most bleeding-edge snapshot is 5.0-2c722a6-SNAPSHOT
Parsley can leverage string and character literals in Scala by implicit conversions, keeping the description of the parser uncluttered:
import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.syntax.character.{charLift, stringLift}
val hello: Parsley[Unit] = ('h' ~> ("ello" | "i") ~> " world!").void
// hello: Parsley[Unit] = parsley.Parsley@4c797ef5
hello.parse("hello world!")
// res0: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Success(())
hello.parse("hi world!")
// res1: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Success(())
hello.parse("hey world!")
// res2: parsley.Result[String, Unit] = Failure((line 1, column 2):
// unexpected "ey"
// expected "ello"
// >hey world!
// ^^)
Combinators exist to collapse results efficiently for iterative parsers, allowing for concise definitions of simple numbers:
import parsley.character.digit
val natural: Parsley[Int] = digit.foldLeft1(0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit)
// natural: Parsley[Int] = parsley.Parsley@6b00a8e4
// res3: parsley.Result[String, Int] = Success(0)
// res4: parsley.Result[String, Int] = Success(123)